Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 235th Birthday, America!

Happy 235th Birthday, America!

All the political strife, angst, and drama out there is merely proof that our democracy is working as intended! The Founding Fathers intended for there to be heated debate, discussion, dissent, and disagreement. That is what democracy is!

NEVER close your minds to new ideas or new ways of thinking! NEVER dismiss a different viewpoint without careful consideration! NEVER stop learning! NEVER stop growing! EDUCATE yourselves in the issues of the day and the citizens of your community, state and country! NEVER rely on the dogma and doctrine preached by evangelists, political parties, or pundits!

Realize that your friends and family may be giving you BAD advice or information! It is up to each one of us to educate ourselves and act accordingly.

Remember that while YOU may subscribe to a particular religion, belief, or creed, AMERICA DOES NOT. America is NOT based on Christianity or any other religion.

Diversity of thought is the cornerstone of democracy. Closed-mindedness and uniformity of thought is the path to Fascism.

Remember that freedom, justice and equality are for EVERYONE! Not just people who look like, think like, or act like you! No matter the gender, race, creed, orientation, affiliation, religion, belief, persuasion, or ability, we are ALL Americans!

Educate yourselves and participate in your government. It is our RESPONSIBILITY as Americans! Remember the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."