Friday, September 11, 2009

Did Glenn Beck Rape and Murder a Woman in 1990?

Glenn Beck's lawyers are not laughing. Neither, I'm sure, is Glenn Beck. But tens of thousands of people are having a laugh at the rumor site,
The anonymous author of the site says that TV loudmouth Glenn Beck uses tactics like this to spread lies and misinformation. And what's good for the goose, as they say, is good for the gander. Other websites have picked up on the site's popularity, and the alleged "rumor" has spread like wildfire.

Glenn Beck is famous for his "Obama is a racist" remarks, and ran a successful smear campaign against the President's "green jobs" advisor, Van Jones by using unscientific cause-effect logic, as well as spouting frightening allegations of communism. He famously had a "nervous breakdown" on national television because he was "frightened" about where the country was headed.

As proof of the rape allegation, a number of websites have popped up with "evidence" of Glenn Beck's wrongdoing, one even hosting a police report and news clipping showing that, indeed in 1990, a person named Glenn Beck did, in fact, rape someone in Connecticut in 1990 where Glenn Beck happened to be working at the time.

Is the rumor true? Glenn Beck isn't talking, and the website capitalizes on this by asking him to come forward and tell the truth about the rumors. Because as we all know, a lack of a denial can be just as good as an admission - at least it is to Glenn Beck.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

It's Time To Fire The Loudmouths: An Open Letter to Fox, CNN & MSNBC

An Open Letter to:

Rupert Murdoch, CEO Fox News
Jeffrey L. Bewkes, Chairman and CEO of Time Warner Inc.
Jeff Zucker, President of NBC Universal


I am writing this letter to express my concern over what I see as the deterioration of civil discourse in American society.

Your cable news networks reach an astonishing number of people throughout the country and around the world. Each of your networks provides valuable news and information to your viewers. Each of your networks also, however, is guilty of stirring up hate, bigotry, racism and fear in the very population you have pledged to serve.

I am speaking, of course, about your "non-news" programs - the programs that mix news, opinion and entertainment. These types of programs are unprecedented in the history of news gathering and reporting and I believe that they represent a real danger to American society.

By airing these types of shows in the evening and "prime time" hours, you are presenting entertainment and opinion as "news," which it is not. Between your three primary networks (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC) there is not a single program that broadcasts purely news after 4PM. Instead, there is a lineup of overly-dramatic programs and opinionated talkers - all spouting their alarmist theories, telling outright lies and badmouthing each other. There is no debate and no opposing points of view are allowed. Some have even revealed themselves to be outright racists and bigots. By displaying a news ticker at the bottom of the screen, you further validate these programs as actual news and validate the opinions of the commentators. Their hateful and vitriolic speech goes right up to the limit of free speech as defined by the Constitution, and they take no responsibility for the potential consequences of their words.

So, I'm asking each of you to do the American public a favor and stop broadcasting these programs in lieu of actual news. Bring back the "old style" news and honest debate. Bring back investigative journalism. Reporters and anchors should report - and shut up. The bond of trust between news anchors and the viewing public has been broken and needs to be restored.

We as a society need to return to honest debate and discussion about the issues of the day. Right now, we yell at each other from our entrenched positions - never actually listening to what the other side has to say, and never actually trying to understand opposing viewpoints. We make up our minds on an issue without fully understanding it - a consequence of lax reporting, opinionated journalists and financial agendas set by each of your companies.

What does it say about network news when a large portion of the American populace reports that they get their news from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert? It says that your three networks are failing in their mandate to serve the public.

As proof that you are serious about a return to public service, you need to cancel every single show that features an opinionated loudmouth as it's main host. All of them. It's the only way to be completely fair. Any columnist that wants their show back must be held accountable to high standards of decency and fairness.

Will it cost you viewers? Yes. Will it cost you money? Yes. But America needs this. Your job is to educate and inform the public and then let us make up our own minds - a task in which you all have failed miserably.

Do the right thing. Bring back real news.

My Healthcare Solution

The very word conjures up memories of hours sitting in an emergency room waiting for treatment, fights with my insurance company, stories of people dying because their insurance company wouldn't pay, news coverage of people scamming medicare. . . the list goes on.
In a perfect world, everyone would have a job or own their own business and therefore be able to pay for the healthcare needs of themselves and their families. The capitalist economic system under which we operate, however, does not allow for this. Capitalism, by its very nature, dictates that we must have rich and poor, that in a situation of scarce resources, only those with the ability to pay will receive services. It also dictates that there will NEVER be full employment. 
Thankfully we don't actually operate under a purely capitalist system. We pay taxes to our government to provide services to us. Police, fire, roads, schools, armed forces, etc. Under a purely capitalist system, the fire department wouldn't extinguish your house fire until you paid them first - a situation that used to exist until we as a society decided that the need for public safety was too great. So we each pay a little bit to ensure that everyone benefits.
And do you know what that's called? It's called SOCIALISM. Yup, socialism. Alive and well here in the good 'ol US of A.
The dictionary defines socialism as:
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
So, in the case of our public services, we borrow from Karl Marx - the man we all loved to hate. Imagine the chaos that would ensue if the National Guard refused to help out the people in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina unless we paid them first. . . or if the local police would refuse to fight crime in your neighborhood unless they got paid by every single person who lived there in advance. Imagine your kid being kicked out of school because he forgot to bring his money to pay the teacher. Sounds crazy, right?
So how is it that the health and well being of every single American is in the capitalist model? "Sorry, son. Your mom's got a ruptured appendix. We'd love to operate on her and save her life, but you've got to hand us $30,000 first." Unthinkable, right?
"But wait! That's why we have health insurance," you say! And you'd be right. We do have health insurance. But let's examine health insurance in more detail:
In a typical situation, you and your employer pay into a "pool," along with everyone else covered by that company. The insurance "pool" is used to pay claims to pay for healthcare services rendered by doctors, hospitals, drug companies, etc. The theory goes that the larger the "pool," the lower the cost to each individual. Each person is, in effect, paying not only for their own health coverage, but also for everyone else's, because not everyone is sick or requires the same level of treatment at the same time. So while you're healthy, your insurance premiums go towards paying for some guy in Duluth's asthma treatments. And when you have that surgery to remove your ruptured appendix, it's partially payed for by everyone else in the pool.
Now, remembering our definition of socialism, let's remove the words that don't apply in this particular situation and substitute them with our definition of health insurance. Now we end up with:
a [system] that advocates that [healthcare services] should be [paid for] by the [pool].
Holy fraking Mother of All Things. . . IT'S SOCIALISM! Okay, it's not REALLY socialism, but it's damn close. It's the exact same thing as the police service, the fire service and the armed forces. Each person pays a little so that everyone benefits from the service. The only real difference is that part of your premiums go to line the pockets of the executives.
So, now that we've removed the stigma from socialism, we can apply it to the one thing that is bankrupting every single American: healthcare. Every day, more and more people complain that the cost of healthcare is simply too high. Every day, people die because some bean-counter denies treatment because the patient is at an out-of-network hospital. Every day, people go without immunizations and treatments for contagious diseases because they simply cannot afford it - endangering the lives of everyone around them. Every day, people just like you and me DIE, simply because they couldn't afford their medicine. The very same people who gladly pay taxes for their armed forces suddenly have a problem paying taxes for their health?
We've all heard the arguments against a national healthcare system, so I won't go into them here. Some of the arguments are valid, and some are just plain ignorant. Regardless, I have a solution that I think could work:
The government would guarantee healthcare for every American citizen up to a certain level of service. After that, it would be up to the individual to buy their own health insurance to cover the remainder.
For example, immunizations, flu shots, family doctor visits, basic lab work, annual physicals, pediatricians, dental care, eye care, generic drugs and OB/GYN would all be paid for by your tax dollars.
For any serious or expensive conditions, you would have private health insurance to take up the slack. It's only fair that people with expensive needs pay more for their treatment. Additionally, people whose medical conditions are due to lifestyle choices would have to pay even higher: Lung cancer from cigarette smoking? Pull out your wallet, buddy.
Who would be excluded? Non-citizens. If, however, you are from a country that provides universal health care, we will cover your treatment and send the bill to your home country. If you have a valid work permit and are paying taxes on your income, you get the basic government services. 
And now comes the whining: 
"We'll have to wait in long lines for treatment!"
I have two issues with this statement:

  1. Are you really that selfish that all you care about is your own health and no one else's? Shame on you.
  2. This statement is only halfway true. Initially, yes, there could be longer waits for treatment as more people use the system. But more demand will create much needed jobs and boost the economy.
"Some bureaucrat will dictate when and how I die!"
I've got news for you: The insurance companies are already doing this. And their primary interest is boosting company profits, not taking care of you. Insurance companies are in business TO MAKE MONEY, and for NO other reason than that.
"The government can't handle something so complex - they'll mess it up!"
People, the government IS US! So, if the government is stupid, it's because the stupid people elected stupid politicians. Are you really ready to call yourself an idiot? I thought not. Additionally, the government is already providing health care services to Americans. Every member of the armed forces is covered by universal health care. Every member of Congress is also covered. And there's one more group that also receives free health care: felons. Yup, felons. Go to jail, get 3 squares a day, air conditioning, library, gym and free health care.
This is the richest, most powerful nation in the world. In 2006, we spent close to $7 billion a month for the war in Iraq. We could spend 1/12 of that amount and provide coverage for every uninsured person in America and have money left over.
My plan is by no means complete. It's just an idea for right now. If you've got some constructive criticism or a better idea of your own, then add it to the comments. If all you want to do is bitch about how "socialism" is taking over America, leave your comments to yourself. We are looking for SOLUTIONS here. The current system is broken - even the insurance companies admit it. The government is US, so it's up to US to find a solution.